You can find my Google Scholar profile here.

Academic Articles

  1. On the Epistemic Significance of Noise,
    Oxford Studies in Epistemology (Exp 2024)
    with Zoe Johnson King
  2. The Algorithmic Explainability Bait and Switch,
    Minnesota Law Review (Exp 2024)
    with I. Glenn Cohen PDF
  3. Algorithmic Fairness and Resentment,
    Philosophical Studies (2023)
    with Zoe Johnson King PDF
  4. Appealing AI,
    Nature Digital Medicine (2023)
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Sara Gerke, Qiong Xia,
    Theodoros Evgeniou and Klaus Werternbroch PDF
  5. Moral Encroachment Under Moral Uncertainty,
    Philosophers’ Imprint (2023)
    with Zoe Johnson King PDF
  6. Comment on Ariel Dora Stern’s Regulation of Medical AI,
    The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
    edited by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb (2023) PDF
  7. Beware Explanations from AI in Health Care,
    Science (2021)
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Theodoros Evgeniou and Sara Gerke PDF, link
         Media Coverage:
         Forbes, Proto (Time Magazine/MGH),
         Tencent QQ, The Edge,
         China Business News
  8. Direct to Consumer Advertising of Medical Machine Learning,
    Nature Machine Intelligence (2021)
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Theodoros Evgeniou and Sara Gerke PDF, link
  9. Normativity, Epistemic Rationality and Noisy Statistical Evidence,
    The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2021)
    with Anil Gaba, Ilia Tsetlin, and Robert L. Winkler PDF, link
  10. Approximate Coherentism and Luck,
    Philosophy of Science (2021) PDF, link
  11. A System View for Medical ML Policy,
    Nature Digital Medicine (2020)
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Theodoros Evgeniou and Sara Gerke PDF, link
         Media Coverage: STAT News
  12. Algorithms on Regulatory Lockdown,
    Science (2019)
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Theodoros Evgeniou and Sara Gerke PDF, link
         Media Coverage: Forbes
  13. Moral Obligation & Epistemic Risk,
    Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics (2020)
    with Zoe Johnson King PDF, link
  14. A Theory of Epistemic Risk,
    Philosophy of Science (2019) PDF, link

Other Writing

  1. Explaining Medical AI is Easier Said than Done, STAT News (2020) link
    with Sara Gerke
  2. When Machine Learning Goes off the Rails, Harvard Business Review (2020) link
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Theodoros Evgeniou, and Sara Gerke
  3. Can AI Decide Who Gets an Organ Transplant?, Harvard Business Review (2020) link
    with I. Glenn Cohen, Theodoros Evgeniou, Sara Gerke, and Nikos Trichakis
  4. A Better Way to Onboard AI, Harvard Business Review (2020) link
    with Daniel Chen, Theodoros Evgeniou, and Anne-Laure Fayard

Work in Progress

  1. Resolute and Correlated Bayesians (review and revise)
  2. Reframing the Accuracy-Interpretability Tradeoff (under review)